The Pisa Sleep Award, a joint initiative by Professor Piero Salzarulo and Professor Luigi Murri, is an established and solid tradition in the sleep field, first established in 1994, and sponsored every two years by the School of Medicine, Pisa University. The purpose of the Pisa Sleep Award is to acknowledge a European scientist whose career has been devoted to the study of sleep, including its physiology and its disorders, and whose contribution has represented an outstanding advance in sleep medicine.
The unique format of “11 MINUTES OF SLEEP” Symposium offers the opportunity for a straightforward debate on some of the core topics of basic and clinical sleep research, framing the Pisa Sleep Award Ceremony. All speakers are invited to raise and address the most provocative and controversial topics in the field, strictly within an 11 minutes slot. After each presentation, there will be a 9-minute discussion between the speaker and the members of the panel, along with the moderators.
Roberto Amici, Chiara Baglioni, Oliviero Bruni, Fabio Cirignotta, Raffaele Ferri, Alberto Giannoni, Aarti Jagannath, Penny Lewis, Claudio Liguori, Oreste Marrone, Michelangelo Maestri Tassoni, Peter Meerlo, Yuval Nir, Lino Nobili, Liborio Parrino, Giuseppe Plazzi, Niels Rattenborg, Antonio Sanna, Rosalia Silvestri, Tarja Helena Stenberg (Porkka-Heiskanen), Valter Tucci, Vladyslav Vyazovskiy
7 ore
15-16 giugno 2018
Medico chirurgo (tutte la specializzazioni), Psicologo e Psicoterapeuta, Farmacista, Odontoiatra, Biologo, Assistente Sanitario, Infermiere , Infermiere Pediatrico, Tecnico di Neurofisiopatologia, Logopedista, Terapista della neuro e psicomotricità dell'età evolutiva, Tecnico della riabilitazione psichiatrica.
0,00 € la partecipazione al simposio è gratuita
Ex Monastero delle Benedettina, Lungarno Sonnino 18, Pisa